JUDICIARY Latest Features

Aggravated Defilement Tops Nebbi High Court Criminal Session
Hon. Justice George Okello after inspecting the Guard of Honor

A total of 24 cases of Aggravated Defilement are going to be handled in a High Court Criminal Session at Nebbi Chief Magistrates Court presided over by Hon. Justice George Okello. 

The session which will run for 40 days will see 50 cases handled. Of the 50 cases to be handled; Aggravated Defilement accounts for nearly half of the case files. This is followed closely by Murder (21), Aggravated Robbery four (4) and Aggravated Trafficking one (1).

The session started with the Judge holding a stakeholders' meeting to agree on how the session would run. 

Plea taking process of accused persons who have been cause-listed in the session.

Posted 21st, November 2023
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